Yeah, so, for some reason, my garden is Bok Choi friendly. I have no explanation, but these guys have been growing from seed really well and will probably be the first to be ready for harvest.
This is a pretty good long shot that gives you a good idea of the size of the garden. You can see some corn sprouting in the foreground, my rosebush in the far corner, and my 80 year old neighbor's rockin' garden. Much respect.
Righteous Rosebush. I didn't trim or cut it back at all this year because I wanted to see how it would grow and how many blossoms I would get. Um, yeah, tons.
Tomatoes! They're getting big and bushy and already have tons of blossoms on each plant. Good stuff.
It looks like I'm going to have to give up on the idea of growing my peppers from seed this year. I haven't been able to get any sprouts for either the poblanos or the jalapenos. I'm gonna head to Lowe's this week and buy two plants of each and hope that they'll grow for me. I'm also going to replant a lot of my cucumbers. A couple have sprouted, but I'm really hoping for bushels of them so I went ahead and tilled up the row that they really weren't coming in on. I'll replant today or tomorrow depending on the weather.
Check out the new album from The National! You won't regret it, I promise.
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