As of right now, I have more grass in my garden than I do in my front yard. Green beans were a huge disaster, for a reason I have yet to identify. I didn't get nearly as many cucumbers as I would have liked. My tomatoes, which came on strong, have just sat there for the past two weeks with little green ones on them and no development. I thought that I had planted too many squash plants, but the fruit has begun to rot on the vine instead of growing to a decent harvesting size. Did I mention there is grass everywhere? Well, that's because I got really tired of going out there and working my way through the garden with the tiller once a week. So I took a week off. So the needy whore made me pay for it. I actually had to use the mower out there this week. That was pretty embarrassing. Lots of things never came up, or if they did, I got nothing of consequence out of it. Beets, corn, basil, rosemary, chard, and more than I can even remember I planted were a huge waste of my time. But......I'm definitely going to try all of them, except the corn, in a massive fall planting. We'll see if I can fall on my face again.
There definitely have been some incredible positives, though. I have more salsa than I will probably be able to eat over the next nine months, twelve jars of pickles, three jars of relish, and one huge jar of pickles jalapenos. I have four gallon freezer bags of yellow squash, four of okra, one of green beans, one of roasted tomato and jalapeno salsa, and one of roasted tomatoes and onions. I still have lots of things producing, as well. If any of those tomatoes ripen, I'll be able to freeze some more of them, as well as possibly make some more salsa. Just today I got fifteen jalapenos, five bell peppers, twenty okra, and two yellow squash. The okra plants have continued to flourish, so I will definitely be able to put some more of those up, and I have high hopes of some sweet jalapeno jelly. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed. I have four cabbages that I have to decide what to do with soon, and all the figs I could ever hope to eat.
I have big plans for the fall, but all that grass is definitely going to sit between myself and progress. I really should just rent a big tiller again, but I really don't want to have to figure out a way to get it here. Decisions, decisions. I'll be sure to share some plans for the fall and winter soon, so come back and check if you happen to be in the neighborhood. Oh, and as always, free veggies to anyone that wants to come and pull weeks. You're more than welcome!
Headphones On:
Maps & Atlases-Perch Patchwork
Tom Petty-Mojo
Yeasayer-Odd Blood
Grateful Dead-American Beauty
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